Wartime Era


When the US joined World War II in 1941, the Disney Studios were affected almost instantly. As workers left to join the army, the US government wanted Disney to make propaganda films to help the war effort.

In order to keep themselves afloat, Disney Animation started to make “package features”. These contained different stories cut together to form a full movie. 

Some of these films consisted of just two stories, others contained more. Some of these segments (almost) made up a complete storyline, others were completely separate from each other. 

These films were cheaper and easier to make on a reduced workforce and budget, but are generally the most forgotten about Disney animated movies.

Image from: https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/File:1955-aquarela-3.jpg

Image from: https://www.awn.com/blog/three-caballeros-1944

Image from: https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Willie_the_Whale

Image from: https://d23.com/know-10-fascinating-facts-fun-fancy-free/

Image from: https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Johnny_Appleseed

Image from: https://d23.com/this-day/the-adventures-of-ichabod-and-mr-toad-premieres-2/